“Say hello to this together” is a weekly, 60-minute series, to help individuals connect with their hearts and to each other through practice and the arts. Each episode will showcase musicians, poets, designers, and practitioners.
Our goal is to establish solidarity during these trying times, because that’s what matters most. It’s what will help us build a more beautiful reality together.
Register for future episodes here:
Upcoming episodes
Let go.
When we let go, we’re free to live again. This episode will have you get up from your computer, take a walk, and start to surrender to the process.
Sunday, 07 June at 10:00am PST
Host: Becky Lee
Artist: TBD
Set intention for healing.
Time does heal. But we can’t just sit in our beds and wait for this moment. Healing takes strength and setting intention for it.
Sunday, 14 June at 10:00am PST
Host: TBD
Artist: TBD
Stronger together.
Taking steps to healing means just that. Taking actual steps together. Action is the chief end of existence.
Friday, 19 June time TBD
Host: TBD
Artist: TBD
Previous episodes to enjoy in your own time
Create space for it.
We’re going through something right now. And that means different things for all of us. Acknowledging it and calling it by its name is the first step to healing.
Sunday, 24 May at 10:00am PST
Host: Mark Magellan
Artist: Jonny Byers, Cellist
episode 02
Feel it.
Often, the simplest, but hardest truth, is to feel the feeling. That’s what we’ll be doing.
Sunday, 31 May at 10:00am PST
Host: Paul Jiménez
Artist: CTRO, Scott Shigeoka